Realistic image of a polluted natural shoreline with large pieces of discarded Styrofoam scattered along the beach and floating in the water. Nearby, wildlife such as birds and fish interact with the debris, with some Styrofoam pieces broken into smaller bits. The scene shows the harmful impact of Styrofoam on ecosystems, with a polluted beach, plastic waste, and environmental damage visible in the background

Is Styrofoam Recyclable or Trash?

Have you ever wondered what happens to a Styrofoam cup after you throw it away? Styrofoam can be found almost everywhere, from cups to protective packaging for new purchases. But the question remains: Is Styrofoam recyclable or trash? Styrofoam is the brand name for polystyrene foam a type of plastic used for making disposable cups, plates, […]

Is Styrofoam Recyclable or Trash? Read More »